Sunday, July 25, 2010

Action Sports Weekend with Tony Hawk

The Action Sports Weekend with Tony Hawk Skate Jam hosted by Quiksilver took place this weekend at Downtown Disney District Anaheim.

Skate and BMX demos were found in front of the AMC theatre throughout the weekend with the highlight of the event being Saturday evening.
At 6:00 p.m. everyone gathered to witness Tony Hawk and crew in person.

Unfortunately Tony hurt his back and had to leave the event early. He apologized for having to leave, saying he needed to have his back checked out, and thanking everyone for coming out. On Tony Hawk's twitter he said "Sorry Anaheim, but that was a rough one. Getting CT scans now, hope I didn't scare anybody." "Did a tailbone 5 & my foot was a little off, sent me into b/s revert (chicken-neck) to flat. Hit my back & head HARD. Waiting on CT results." "Pelvic vertical shear injury" & a hematoma in a pear tree is the semi-official diagnosis. All I know is: I can't lift my legs & it sucks." Motherhood Magical is wishing Tony Hawk all the best and a fast recovery.

The Action Sports Weekend ends Sunday 7/25/2010, with BMX demos during the day. Click here for more information.

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